Crowdspring vs. Designcrowd A Comparative Analysis

In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of crowdsourcing platforms, two industry giants stand out: Crowdspring vs.Designcrowd. Both platforms offer a unique space for designers, freelancers, and businesses to connect, collaborate, and create. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of each platform and analyze their features, benefits, and drawbacks. By exploring their similarities and differences, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of which platform may best suit their specific needs.

Platform Overview


Crowdspring, a well-established and thriving marketplace for creative services, boasts an impressive community of over 220,000 designers from around the globe. The platform places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction, offering a 100% money-back guarantee to ensure peace of mind. With an easy-to-use interface, along with a streamlined project management system, Crowdspring ensures a seamless experience for both clients and designers.


Designcrowd, on the other hand, asserts itself as one of the largest and most prominent crowdsourcing platforms available. Hosting over 715,000 talented designers from more than 165 countries, Designcrowd offers businesses, both big and small, a vast pool of creative talent to choose from. The platform caters to a wide range of design needs, spanning logos and website design to packaging and illustrations.

Feature Comparison

Both Crowdspring and Designcrowd provide a plethora of features that facilitate effective collaboration and ensure high-quality deliverables. Let’s dive into some key features of each platform.

Project Posting

Crowdspring offers a user-friendly and intuitive project posting mechanism, empowering clients to clearly outline their requirements, expectations, and desired timelines. Talented designers then submit their ideas and proposals, enabling clients to review a wide variety of options before making their final selection.

Similarly, Designcrowd offers a streamlined and straightforward project posting process. Clients have the ability to provide detailed briefings to designers, ensuring that their creative vision is well conveyed from the onset. Throughout the creative process, clients can continuously provide feedback and request revisions, thus actively shaping the final design outcomes.

Designer Selection

Both platforms follow the ingenious crowdsourcing model, where multiple designers submit their work for consideration. However, Crowdspring sets itself apart by allowing clients to utilize the unique feature named “Logo & Identity.” This remarkable feature empowers clients to search and invite specific designers based on their portfolio and previous work, resulting in a more targeted and specialized approach to designer selection. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses seeking a certain style or aesthetic expertise.

On the other hand, Designcrowd does not offer a direct invitation feature. Instead, clients have the opportunity to review a multitude of design submissions from the ever-expanding pool of talented designers. Feedback can be shared, leading to iterative improvements and a more refined design outcome.

Pricing Structure

Pricing structures on Crowdspring and Designcrowd differ slightly, catering to the varying needs and budgets of their valued clients. Crowdspring offers three distinct pricing tiers: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Clients can choose the level that aligns with their requirements, with each tier encompassing a specific price range and a comprehensive set of associated features.

In contrast, Designcrowd presents a more flexible pricing structure. Here, clients have the liberty to set their budget for each project, thereby providing designers with the opportunity to propose their creative solutions based on the specified budget. This flexible approach allows for negotiation and customization, ensuring that clients receive the best value for their investment.

In the world of crowdsourcing platforms, Crowdspring vs.Designcrowd stand out as top contenders, each offering their own unique sets of advantages. Crowdspring stands out with its user-friendly interface, targeted designer selection, and comprehensive money-back guarantee, making it an attractive option for clients seeking a hassle-free experience. On the other hand, Designcrowd prides itself on hosting an extensive pool of talented designers, providing businesses with a diverse range of creative solutions to choose from.

Ultimately, the choice between these platforms depends on the individual needs and preferences of the clients. We encourage potential users to thoroughly explore each platform, taking advantage of their free trials and proactively reaching out to their dedicated customer support teams for any specific inquiries. By tapping into the power of crowdsourcing, both Crowdspring and Designcrowd offer unparalleled opportunities for businesses and freelancers alike to unleash their creative potential and achieve remarkable design outcomes.